If you are having problems logging into SpeEDI Cargo, then here are some suggestions:
Suggestion 1 - Check the web address
To access SpeEDI Cargo, start by navigating to the following address:
Suggestion 2 - Restart your web browser
Try closing your web browser and re-starting it.
Navigate to SpeEDI Cargo (see Suggestion 1 above)
Attempt to login now.
Suggestion 3 - Reset your password
Use the 'Forgot my Password?' option from the Login page to initiate a password reset.
An email will be sent to your inbox.
Click on the link in the email to reset your password.
Then try to login using your new password.
Suggestion 4 - Refresh & Clear browser history
From the login page try a hard refresh before signing in.
Windows devices: press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard
Safari on Apple Mac: press ⌘ + Option + R
Chrome or Edge on Apple Mac: press ⌘ + Shift + R
Finally, you could try clearing cookies and your browser history.
The steps for this will vary by web browser.
Need some assistance?
Please open a support ticket by sending an email to: