Release 7 July 2024

What's New

  • Logins have been transferred to TradeWindow.  A TradeWindow page will now be displayed to sign into the system.

Release 3 July 2024

Issues Resolved

  • Fixed a display glitch with the calendar for a date field appearing under another page element and hindering date selection.

Release 30 May 2024

What's New

  • For Inbound Shipments there is now a column for the count of unscanned consignments.  The column selection menu must be used to have this column displayed.  

Release 16 May 2024

What's New

  • For NZ declarations, lists for additional information and qualifier codes reviewed and updated.

Release 09 May 2024

What's New

  • New report - Declaration Details by Client.   This may be accessed from the Shipments > Reports menu.

Issues Resolved

  • Improvements made to the transport equipment Check function for duplicated empty containers.

Release 03 May 2024

What's New

  • For the EU free trade agreement, code EU has been added to the list of groups for the PDR qualifier (to request preferential duty rate).

Release 04 Apr 2024

What's New

  • Inward cargo report now has the option to submit a carrier cargo report.   A client code for the carrier is required for this. 
  • Shipment Add from File option now supports upload of Excel (.xslx) files as an alternative to CSV.  This applies to the standard formats.

Issues Resolved

  • Fixed missing declarant errors when an ICR or ECR is submitted with requesting manual processing.

Release 22 Mar 2024

What's New

  • Option added to view tariff alerts from the invoice add or edit page.

Release 25 Feb 2024

What's New

  • Scanning functions added for inbound consolidation shipments.

Release 15 Jan 2024

What's New

  • The list of port codes provided for lookup has been refreshed.