Cargo supports adding new Contacts from a file.
The file must be either a CSV (comma separate values) file or a tab separated text file.
To output from an Excel spreadsheet with the correct delimiters you would save the file as type 'CSV' or 'Text (Tab delimited)'.
The first row of data must contain the column names.
The column names can be in any order but must match those below exactly.
Columns names that are not recognized are ignored.
Columns for the contact name (Name) and country code (CountryCode) are required. All other data items are optional.
Name | The name of contact (the name of a business or person). This field is Required |
IsClient | Set to Y to indicate that the contact is a client |
Address1 | Address line 1. Will be set to Unknown if not provided |
Address2 | Address line 2 |
City | City name |
Region | Name of the region or state |
PostCode | The postal code. |
CountryCode | The country code. This field is Required |
ContactPersonName | The name of the primary contact person |
Phone | The phone number for the primary contact person |
Email | The email address for the primary contact person |
TswClientCode | The TSW code (ie the Customs code for NZ) |
IsCcaCode | Set to Y to indicate that the TSW code is for a CCA (Customs bondstore) |
QuarantineApprovedPremises | The quarantine approved premises code (MPI ATF code for NZ) |
BusinessTaxNumber | The business registration or tax number |
AccordBusinessId | The Business ID (Accord application) |
TswPaymentMethod | The payment method for TSW. Valid values are: A - Automatic (default) B - Broker Deferred C - Cash D - Client Deferred |
QuarantineAccountNumber | The quarantine payment account number (MPI payment account number for NZ) |
BillingCode | Identifier when billing a client |
Notes | General notes or instructions |