This option can be accessed from the Settings Menu.
Where multiple consignments are being imported from a single supplier for many consignees, the supplier may in some cases be acting as the importer.
Multi-national suppliers can be configured to support this scenario by allowing the 'Importer' field to be set on consignments uploaded into Cargo from a manifest file (using the Shipment 'Add From File' facility).
This will then allow all consignments for this importer to linked to an import declaration (see How to Link Multiple Consignments to an Import Declaration for further details). Note that for linking consignments, the importer name where provided is used in preference to the consignee's name.
Things to note:
- The supplier's name must match the manifest file data exactly.
- Variations in spelling of the supplier's name can be entered for the same importer if necessary.
- A single spelling of the supplier's name can be mapped to one importer only.