
There are three main pages when navigating through shipments and consignments.

Breadcrumbs above the page title tell you where your current location and where you have come from.  The links can be clicked to return to one of the previous pages.  The back button on your web browser can also be used to navigate back to the previous page.

Shipments Page

The shipments page lists recent shipments under separate tabs for inbound and outbound cargo.

Navigate to the shipment details by clicking on a row in the table.



    Provides access to general reports and reports that may relate to multiple shipments. (Examples include a TSW Status Report and the System Usage Report)


Shipment Details Page

The shipment details page includes all the data related to a particular shipment.


    Cargo Report 

    Includes options to submit a cargo report to TSW for the entire shipment.


    Reports related to the entire shipment.  Examples include a cargo report document or a manifest report.




Consignments for the shipment are listed under the Consignments tab.  Clicking on a row will open details for the consignment.

Transport Equipment 

Lists all transport equipment (containers) related to the shipment.  Each consignment will link be linked to transport equipment via packages.  For FCL cargo or empty containers there should only a single consignment should link to a transport equipment.  For an FAK / groupage cargo there may be multiple containers linked to a single transport equipment.


Displays header information for the shipment such as vessel and departure and arrival details with an option to edit this information.


Displays an audit trail of changes made to the shipment at the header level and also a record of any cargo reports submitted for the shipment and responses received from TSW.


Files related to the shipment may be uploaded and stored here.  There are some restrictions on the file type and size per file.  Also note that documents may also be stored against each individual consignment within the shipment.

Consignment Details Page

The consignment details page includes all data related to one consignment within a shipment.


   TSW Status

    Displays all statuses returned from TSW agencies for the consignment.


    Provides options for lodging a formal declaration to TSW including options to amend, cancel or relodge.


    Provides access to reports that relate to the consignment.  Examples are the Customs Release, Carter's Note etc.



Displays a list of the outer packages being transported.  These may either be loose within a container.  For empty containers, packaging records are still required to link the consignment to the transport equipment.   For these you would omit details such as the package type and quantity, weight and volume.

Package details may be viewed and edited by clicking on a row in the table.

Bill Details

Displays for the consignment such as the bill number, the parties and location details such as bill origin and destination. You have the option to edit this information. 


Contains goods invoices needed when lodging a declaration to TSW to obtain a formal import or export clearance.

Clicking on the invoice line you can edit the details of the invoice, or you can add multiple lines to it. 

Goods Release

Indicates whether a goods release notification has been received from TSW for the consignment.  Also allows links to be manually added or removed.   Uplift details can also be recorded for bondstore operations.


This is where you can view a history of all activity for the consignment.   It will display when the consignment was added and recorded changes to the data.  Also displayed are all details related to cargo reports and declarations.


     Files related to the consignment may be uploaded and stored here for archiving purposes or to attach to declarations.